Ep 21 Tickle your tastebuds with The Iconic Muffalotta Sandwich and Bonus Salad Recipe
#muffalettasandwich #neworleansinspired #centralgrocery #olivesalad #cocoslatestbite #cajunfood Central Grocery, an iconic specialty...

Ep. 20 Travel Episode, You gotta Eat Here: South Florida and My Mixed Grill & Salad Bar
#southfloridacooking #mixedgrill #englewoodfarmersmarket #grilling #saladbar #grilling There's no place on earth like South Florida. The...

Creating a feast on Memorial Day: Cooking Al Fresco Pan Seared Ahi Tuna
#memorialdaycooking #cookingoutside #Springholidaycooking #pansearedtuna #cocoslatestbite Cooking Outside is one of my favorite things to...

Mediterranean Diet Tips & Chicken with Lemons and Olives
#mediterreandiet #healthydiet #healthyeating #chickenwithlemonsandolives #healthycooking Is the Mediterranean diet really the healthiest...

Mother's Day Brunch New Orleans Style
#mothersdaybrunch #breakfast #brunchrecipes #neworleansbrunch In New Orleans, brunch is practically a religion because lots of folks...