Episode 28 Tuscan Chicken Under A Brick
The Classic Pollo al Mattone literally means Chicken a brick in Italian. This dish originally hails from Tuscany. and was probably cooked...

Braciola is Italian Comfort Food for the Dog Days of Winter
#italiancomfortfood #braciola #wintercooking Braciola sometimes pronounced [brah-chee-OH-lah] is the Italian name for meat roulade. Food...

Quick & Easy One Pot Risotto Style Pasta for the Win
Dry pasta is easy on the pocketbook and can stretch into a few more meals by adding vegetables and frozen peas. It is a game-changer for...

Pizzettas are great for Fridge Foraging
#pizzettas #pizza #italianfood #fridgeforaging Pizza is one of the world's favorite foods, we eat it at home, in restaurants, and...

Quick and Easy Artichoke Tomato Stew
#artichokes #artichokepastasauce #Italianvegetables Artichoke Tomato Stew works in many dishes This recipe is a great master recipe that...

Preserve the Harvest with Semi-Dried Tomatoes
#heirloomtomatoes #semidriedtomatoes #preservetheharvest When I was in Australia visiting family and researching, I learned about this...